About me

My name is Renata Frichot-Manoury. Helping others is my mission and the supreme life value. I believe that each person has a different story to tell and represents unique needs which is why I base my work on the individual approach to the client. Most important is always and above all, the strong therapeutic relationship, only followed by the choice of techniques and tools. Everything that happens during sessions refers to the individual goals of the person with whom I work and remains in respect of their individuality and the resources they have.

I am fascinated by classic cognitive-behavioral therapy, but I am also close to the so-called third-wave approaches – ACT, MBCT, Motivational Interviewing and Schema Therapy.

I work both in Polish and English.

I am a member of the Polish Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy.

I work under constant supervision.

If you need help, write to me – psychoterapia.renata@gmail.com


I am a graduate of Psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Currently I am studying at the School of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy AMiE – Motivation and Education Academy in Warsaw, as part of a comprehensive 4-years course recommended and certified by the Polish Society for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (PTTPB), preparing to obtain the PTTPB certificate.

My clinical experience

If you need help, write to me